
Developing a Daily Routine For Your Horse


If you are currently the proud owner of a pet horse or are looking to become one, then there are some basic horse care tips you should know. Horses are incredible creatures and require a significant amount of financial commitment and time commitment. However, owning a horse can be very rewarding as well and the key to maintaining a happy and healthy horse is developing a well-planned daily routine. 

Daily Routine for Horse Care

There are a few important things to consider when taking care of your horse including: 


  • Food and Water: The majority of a horse’s diet should come from good-quality hay. A horse’s digestive system is designed to use the nutrition in grassy stalks. A healthy horse should eat 1-2% of their body weight in hay each day. So for a horse that weighs 1,000 lbs, you should give roughly 10-20 lbs of hay each day. Additionally, be sure to give them fresh water in the mornings and evenings. In general, a horse needs approximately 5-10 gallons of fresh water each day. If you have any specific questions, it is best to check with your veterinarian


  • Stable: Clean out your horse’s stall every morning and every night. This includes cleaning out the manure and urine and replacing the dirty bedding with fresh and clean bedding. Some common bedding options for horses include straw, wood-based beddings, paper-based beddings, peat moss or shells and shives. Each bedding option comes with their pros and cons as well as variation in maintenance and price. The optimal option depends on your unique situation, but definitely check with your vet if you have any questions. 


  • Exercise: Your horse will need daily exercise so plan to take them out everyday so they can walk or run around, and get access to fresh air and sunlight. You can also exercise your horse several times a week by riding him in a ring or on a trail. After his daily exercise, check his hooves for any debris that may have gotten caught along the trip. 

We Can Make Sure Your Horse is Healthy & Happy 

If you are looking for horse care in the Krum, Texas area, then look no further than Animal Hospital on Milam Road! If you have any questions or need a general check-up on your horse, feel free to contact us and we can schedule an appointment for you.  

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General Hours

Mon - Fri: 7:00am - 5:00pm
Sat: 7:00am - 1:00pm
Sun: Closed